Every few weeks a new haha ok billboard goes up. Last month, we sat under the billboard on sunday mornings and let neighborhood businesses and locals swap their stuff for our “creativity”.
We swapped Hector some logos for his delicious melons. We helped Maria name her baby for a unicorn keychain. We traded PMH some brainfarts for a scented candle. We got stoned and helped brand a weed company. We sat in the sun and wrote headlines for a tanning oil.
We noticed our board kept getting tagged with crappy graffiti. So, for this month’s install we gave local vandals a helping hand and successfully go them to engage with our board.
A friend of ours has a hairless guinea pig that likes to eat money. We thought it would be a fun experiment to see if people would Venmo “lil money” their delicious dollars. 💵🐁
For the first few dollars, we just created content around the little guy chewing and sleeping on the delicious human currency. But as hundreds came in we got more creative with the responses; rewarding those who Venmoed with fun films and giving Lil Money a lot of loving attention in the process.
In the end, the public donated $328 to a money loving hairless rodent.
What’s Next For Haha Ok? Check out our IG page to find out